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Frontend Evening

Frontend evening !

Javascript, VueJS / Nuxt, WebAssembly




19. June – zlatapivnicask – Hlavná 16, KOŠICE

[meetup_timetable][meetup_timetable_content title=”Opening” time=”18:00 – 18:15″]Ligthning talk (Zdenko Vrabel): WebAssembly – AutoCAD alebo Photoshop v prehliadači? Hoci JavaScript od 90tych rokov prešiel kus cesty, jeho výkon nedovoľoval realizovať tieto na výpočet náročné aplikácie WebAssembly túto situáciu mení. Lightning talk predstaví technológiu , ktorá sa dnes nachádza v každom prehliadači a umožňuje realizovať výpočtovo náročné aplikácie ako hry, CAD aplikácie, či témy ako rozpoznávanie obrazu, peer-to-peer alebo rozbehnúť v browseri lokálne server.[/meetup_timetable_content][meetup_timetable_content title=”Presentation” time=”18:30 – 19:30″]1. JavaScript – Quo Vadis
Juho Vepsäläinen
JavaScript, where are you going? During the past decade, the usage of JavaScript has exploded. The real question is, where does all this lead to? In this lightning talk, I will give you some FUD for thought and challenge you to think what the future of JavaScript might look like.[/meetup_timetable_content][meetup_timetable_content title=”Networking” time=”19:45 – 20:45″]2. Animate your website without the headache!
Samuel Snopko
Did you always wonder how to tackle all those cool animations on the web? How to use the animation to enhance the storytelling of your website or create a smooth transition between the pages?

I will show you how you can achieve this without losing a single hair from a top of your head. I will go through one of my recent projects – – and explain the code and thinking process behind it.

Tech stack will be VueJS/NuxtJS + Lottie. But don’t worry all the principles are framework independent.[/meetup_timetable_content][/meetup_timetable]

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