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Domain-Driven Design Meetup

1. Február – TeleDom – Timonova 27, KOŠICE


Domain-Driven Design

Enterprise applications are notoriously hard to develop and difficult to evolve as business needs change, and in the end the costs of developing your own enterprise applications often outweigh the real-world benefits they achieve.Traditional approaches no longer work because they result in exorbitant complexity and costs related to rework, increased risk, and project failure. Fortunately, there is an answer, and it lies with adopting modern design patterns like Domain-Driven Design (DDD).

[meetup_timetable][meetup_timetable_content title=”Opening” time=”19:00″]Pred zahájením session bude prichystané malé občerstvenie.[/meetup_timetable_content][meetup_timetable_content title=”Prednáška” time=”19:00 – 20:30″]Zdenko Vrábeľ z Wirecard Technologies Košice nám povie o skúsenostiach ako urobiť design enterprise aplikácie ktorý pomôže škálovať jej veľkosť a komplexitu.[/meetup_timetable_content][meetup_timetable_content title=”Socializing na pive” time=”20:30 “]Socializing na pive s malým prekvapením.[/meetup_timetable_content][/meetup_timetable][meetup_text icon=””]Register Now[/meetup_text]